Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our first Christmas tree

I must admit. I have never put up a Christmas tree, prior to Thanksgiving. I am filled with the Christmas spirit early this year, and It all started when we went shopping to pick out the perfect tree.

Aiden, Grandma, Dog-Dog, and I took a break from the action at Starbucks for a hot cocoa.

There was a lot of 'hostility' on what type of tree to purchase. Dallas insisted on colored lights. He also insisted that we don't get a pre-lit tree. I went in search of a non pre-lit tree, and do you think I could find one...NO. We then came to the conclusion that we are going to end up getting a pre-lit, whether we liked it or not. Then we had to decide on gettign a tree with white lights, or colored lights. I am not a fan of the colored lights, and I thought if one year we wanted colored lights, we could just add them to the tree.....maybe.

I spent hours tying ribbons onto all 150 ornament balls. I also spent a lot of time at Ti-Pan Trading, where I purchased most of our Christmas decorations. Then it came to finishing up the tree with a tree skirt. I could not find a store bought one that I loved, so I decided to make my own. I am a fanatic of matching. As you can tell from the picture, the tree decor matches our living room decor, and the tree skirt matches the curtains. Pictures don't do this tree justice. I must say it is beautiful.

1 comment:

FAB SIX said...

wow, beautiful tree!!